Jeff Sanders Technical Blog

I am a Microsoft employee that has worked on all aspects of the Web Stack for a long time. I hope these blogs are useful to you! Use this information at your own risk.

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09 May 2022

I discovered some of my old lost posts were restored! technetblogs

Hello everyone! My name is Jeff Sanders and I am a Principal Escalation Engineer in Microsoft Azure Support. Our cloud offerings are all under the Azure name and our team supports Microsoft customers who are using one of the many Azure provided infrastructure, platform and software as a service offerings we have.

Quick info blog - Customer code accessing Cosmos Db using the Azure Cosmos SDK showed failure in Application Insights: ManagedIdentityCredentials authentication failed.

A quick blog for search and replace text in a group of files using Linux Ubuntu. I needed to migrate Wordpress to a github pages blog that was using Jekyll and ran into trouble replacing text in the markdown.

Your tenant may not be associated with a subscription.  For example you will see ‘jsandersrocksAAD’ is not associated with a subscription below:

People moving from an on-premise to Cloud implementation sometimes have difficulty understanding they do not have control over the underlying platform updates to their PaaS resources.  Azure App Services is a Platform as a Service (PaaS).  Simply put, a PaaS service gives you a platform to host your code and the provider updates the platform whenever necessary.  You cannot control when the underlying platform gets updated nor what gets updated.  You rely on the provider of the platform to handle security and platform updates and trust that the platform simply will work.  There are many advantages to a PaaS environment that I will not cover here.  We have learning resources that cover all the basics of Azure here:

I wanted to customize my Azure Cloud Shell Bash Environment to set the active subscription and define bash aliases at start up.  I could not find a good reference so here is how to do some simple things.

There are a couple of articles available but they are out of date.  This is a step by step walk through of using OpenID (Auth0) with Azure App Services.

Azure App Service Advisor will send notification emails and add notifications to the portal when your app is not healthy.  Where does the email notification system retrieve a list of recipients?

I’m a dork so… quick blog here for those of you that fall into this too.  I created a new Azure App Service Environment (ASE) V3 and tried to add an App Service Plan and Web App to it and go the error “The template parameter ‘privateZoneName’ is not found”

This is a step by step walkthrough of how to add AAD Authentication to Static Web Apps.  This is based on these documents:

There are many docs in the ASE official documentation now. I usually find ASE documents a little scattered on the Web and each time I’m on an ASE case, I spend a few minutes looking for the right doc. To avoid this, I was collating the links for my own reference and I thought it might be helpful to you too. I’ve put them scenario wise you don’t have to go through everything every time. I hope this helps!