Jeff Sanders Technical Blog

I am a Microsoft employee that has worked on all aspects of the Web Stack for a long time. I hope these blogs are useful to you! Use this information at your own risk.

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How To Get And Analyze A Memory Dump Azure App Services

- 02 Jan 2020

Azure App Services has a way to retrieve and analyze a memory dump of your app right from the portal.  This is a quick reference on how to use this feature


Go to you Web App in the Azure Portal and select the ‘Diagnose and solve problems’ pane and click on the ‘Diagnostic Tools’ section:


In that pane select ‘Collect Memory Dump’


Ensure you read the ‘What you should know…’ section of this window.  The wizard can walk you through creating a new storage account to store your dumps or, you can select an existing one here.  Select the instance or instances you wish to get a dump for and ensure the mode is ‘Collect and Analyze Data’, then select the ‘Collect Memory Dump’ button and the dump collection and analysis will start:


It will collect and start analyzing the dumps:


In the case of a .NET Core application you really only care about the dump and mht file that do not have the w3wp.exe extension because in that case, the w3wp process simply is hosting .NET Core.

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