Jeff Sanders Technical Blog

I am a Microsoft employee that has worked on all aspects of the Web Stack for a long time. I hope these blogs are useful to you! Use this information at your own risk.

Earlier Posts

Understanding Problems with MS10-049, KB 980436 and IETF RFC5746

I needed to create an Excel Spreadsheet with a Connection object and link a QueryTable to it.  I could not find a good example of this so I thought I would share.  Please drop me a note if you found this useful!

OK, I am a dummy.  I spent 30 minutes trying to associate my account with the MSDN Blog sign in so I could author a blog.  Since the change of the site it asks you for your screen name and password.  Since I have my Live account associated with the Blog, I thought it wanted my Live ID information.

A seemingly easy thing to do that I could not find documentation for!

Having issues developing native C++ Webservices?  Here is an AWESOME blog:<p mce_keep="true"></p>

I was excited to try URL Rewrite to create some rules on my internal web site.  I added a rule to map a query string like http://mysite/treepage.aspx?nodeName=RedColors to http://mysite/RedColors .  After doing this I found that the images of the treeview web control now did not display.  I enabled FREB tracing and found that this rule was translating webresource.axd improperly:

The .NET framework version 2.0 has the ability to get the IE proxy Settings and use them when making a WebRequest.  However it only will read the http static proxy and not use the https value when specified.  See this example:

The requirement was to assign a click event handler to all Label Controls contained in a .NET User Control.  This is a simple technique but I found there was no good documentation on how to do this. 

There are new checks in Windows 7 to prevent you from doing bad things with the WinHttp APIs.  In the sample code below, I do not get an error pre-Windows 7 but on Windows 7 the WinHttpWriteData call results in bResults being 0 and GetLastError() returns 87 (ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER):

There seems to be no simple end-to-end walkthrough for creating a simple HttpListener based SSL Listener that includes how to configure the computer by generating and installing a Certificate for this listener.

This information is available in the help file as well.  For more options please refer to the Help Documentation include with DebugDiag.

This error message is caused because the process is not being able to validate the Server Certificate supplied by the Server during an HTTPS (SSL) request.  The very first troubleshooting step should be to see if the server supplied certificate and every certificate in the chain is trouble free.