Jeff Sanders Technical Blog

I am a Microsoft employee that has worked on all aspects of the Web Stack for a long time. I hope these blogs are useful to you! Use this information at your own risk.

Earlier Posts

I was trying to see if my MacBook Air support HAXM for Android emulation and could not find a good resource to tell me how to find out what the processor number of my Mac was. So here you go!

I could not find a good walkthrough so here is one for you.  Disclaimer:  This is on the latest OS and Latest version of Fiddler Beta

The Azure Mobile Apps quickstarts can support Swagger.  What if you want to disable this?  This walkthrough shows you where the Swagger routes come from and how to remove them

When you deploy an Azure Active Directory application that was working great locally you may get the following error when logging in:  AADSTS50011: The reply address ‘’ does not match the reply addresses configured for the application: ‘c8a23e63-b4e3-4d10-9cf8-0fca55207424’. More details: not specified

The Easy tables feature of Node.js backend Azure Mobile Apps is a great way to do your initial development.  Once you get a few hundred rows of data however the browser based interface simply does not work well.  This is when you should move to an alternative.  This also allows you to run SQL queries and filters to narrow down the data you want to see or manipulate.  This guide is for the option when you are using Azure SQL for your backend database.

You might notice that when you add files like images (.png .bmp) to your project that these are not updating to your Web App (Azure Web App or on premise).

Sometimes you need or want to force HTTPS for Azure App Services (Azure Web App, Azure Mobile App, Azure Function App, etc…).  In the past you could do this with a web.config change.

If you have dropbox selected for a deployment option and want to switch to github you may get the error message:  Expected a ‘Git’ repository but found a ‘None’ repository at path ‘D:\home\site\wwwroot’.

I had trouble getting Visual Studio Code to install by simple clicking on the package from  Whether I tried do download or use Ubuntu Software to install this I got an error: status code 400: Bad Request.

In this scenario, you want to provide your customer with a secured URL to download a file from Azure Storage.  You can do this programmatically of course but another option is to use the Azure Storage Explorer to create a Shared Access Signature (SAS) for your customer.  Then provide the URL necessary with the SAS so that they can download the resource securely over HTTPS.

This is a super simple walkthrough to show how to use Git and push your app to Azure Web Apps for Containers.  It will not persist your Git repo but is a super quick way to show how this is done and perhaps help you if you are having troubles getting your app configured!

You can guarantee you will deadlock if you have a call similar to this in your code, where CallHttp is a an AsyncTask that awaits a result: